- Dracut
- Worcester
- Sudbury
- Charlton
- Winchester
- Lincoln
- Lexington
- Wayland
- Carlisle
- Acton
- Bedford
- Stow
- Westford
- Groton
- Arlington
- Cambridge
- Harvard
- Reading
- Chelmsford
- North Reading
- Dunstable
- Littleton
- Tyngsborough
- Stoneham
- Maynard
- Tewksbury
- Woburn
- Waltham
- Billerica
- Ayer
- Acton
- Manchester
- Boxford
- Marblehead
- Wenham
- Topsfield
- West Newbury
- Swampscott
- North Andover
- Newburyport
- Lynnfield
- Newbury
- Essex
- Georgetown
- Ipswich
- Rowley
- Danvers
- Beverly
- Hamilton
- Groveland
- Ipswich
- Middleton
- Gloucester
- Peabody
- Methuen
- Lynn
- Concord
- Salisbury
Service Areas
Culligan Of Massachusetts provides water testing, water treatment and more to residents & commercial businesses in Massachusetts and provide service to commercial businesses in Southern New Hampshire. Ā Above is a map with all counties we serve to in Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire.
Below is list of towns we serve in Massachusetts: